Agendas and Minutes


All agendas and minutes for all local bodies can be found on the Utah Public Notice Website by clicking here: scroll down the page to "Browse for Notices". Under the Government Type tab select "Municipality". Under the Entity tab select Milford. Under the Public Body tab select the body desired (City Council, Library Board, Planning, Zoning, etc).  

Agendas are posted at least 48 hours in advance of the meetings. Audio recordings are posted within 3 business days following the meeting. 

Minutes are posted on the Utah Public Notice Website as soon as possible following the regular city council meeting in which they are approved. If the minutes have not been posted they are in draft form. Beginning January 1, 2015, Audio Recordings of meetings are posted to the Notice on the Utah Public Notice within three business days of the meeting. To locate audio recordings of a meeting that has already been held, select the original notice of agenda for said meeting and select the audio file attached to the notice. All written minutes will be attached to the original notice of agenda beginning January 2015 (scroll through the links to the Utah Public Notice website below - click on the notice of agenda for the minutes you are searching).

To request to be placed on the Milford City Council agenda, please use this form and submit to the city office by 3 pm the Wednesday preceding the meeting. Council Meetings are normally scheduled for the Third Tuesday of the month at 4 pm. Council Agenda Request Form